
Interesting Ways to Stay Fit While on a Trip- Ngtraveller

By admin.ngtraveller | Sep 17, 2021

Start your day with heavy and healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the fuel that will keep you active all day. Make sure you don't start your day without eating a large, healthy breakfast. Most hotels offer free breakfast to guests, so don't miss out on taking advantage of everything that boosts your metabolism. In case your package does not include breakfast, we recommend stocking up on fruits and nuts for the flight.

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Buy groceries instead of eating out

Although a large breakfast will keep you energized throughout the day, you can't skip meals, even if you're on a budget trip. Therefore, we suggest buying food instead of eating in restaurants. This way, you will save money, eat healthy, and not indulge in overeating. Popcorn, eggs, soup, and oatmeal are some of the healthy, quick-cooking foods you can choose from.

Watch what you eat

There are times when a dish looks healthy, but is full of carbohydrates and fat. Avoid the attractive salads filled with cream and gorgonzola cheese. Also, avoid trying sweet and fruity cocktails on the beach. We suggest that you control your meals to have a balanced diet. If you plan to eat a heavy dinner, have a salad for lunch. Also, if lunch is heavy, skip dinner or eat something light for the stomach.

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Stay hydrated

Water is your best vacation companion. Make sure you drink at least 3-4 liters of water while traveling. The amount may be higher if you are in a hot and humid destination. Water keeps you hydrated and helps control your appetite.

Refrain from binge drinking

Heavy drinking is not good, even if you are not traveling. Great cocktails, ice cold beer, and your favorite soda drink may be one of the best things to look forward to on vacation, but it's not a good idea. Heavy drinking gives you nothing but a hangover and stubborn belly fat. If you want to stay healthy and energetic throughout the trip, be sure to check the amount of alcohol you are consuming.

Also Read: Ways to Increase your Immunity and Stay Healthy while Travelling- Ngtraveller

Have a protein bar between meals

A protein or granola bar is an instant source of energy and will keep hunger at bay. Eat one between meals so you don't indulge in overeating. The best part about these energy bars is that they are available at most convenience stores.

Look for a hotel with gymnasium

Book a hotel with a gym so you don't miss a workout on the go. The indoor gym has become ideal equipment, even for budget hotels. Take a look at the FabHotels property with gym so you don't have cheat days.

Carry a skipping rope

The jump rope does not take up space in your bag, but it does ensure that you stay in shape on the go. Make sure you take one with your luggage so you can exercise anytime, anywhere.

Workout in room and parks

A hotel without a gym should not be the excuse to stay out of the routine. You can exercise in your hotel room or in a nearby park. A couple of squats, push-ups, and burpees are enough to get you going. If you like to exercise outside, explore the parks in the area and stay on track.

Prefer to walk

Exploring places on foot is the best way to live like the locals. You will get a chance to see things up close while burning some calories. Even if you have the option of renting a motorcycle to explore the destination, we recommend walking unless you have limited time, the neighborhood is not safe, or you are traveling at night.

Remember the adage “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Don’t let travel be an excuse to deviate from your health goals. Find out your ways to stay fit and motivated while traveling.


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