
How do Travellers solve Language Problem when travelling abroad!

By Sonu Sharma | Mar 27, 2018

Language barrier is one of the common problem that people face while travellingabroad.Read these tips to find out how to overcome thissituation -

Use of Technology You can download a language app on your smartphone, which can help you to understand common words or phrases and this might solve your purpose. Also you can use a tool for instantly translating the language of your preference.

Watching and Listening Local people Interacting Sometimes just listening the localites interaction also helps and you can note few common words which they use and make note of the same. Learning basic word like hello, thank you, please, welcome, price, water, food etc can help you to survive. Also you can carry language dictionary with you.

Speak slowly and softly It is always advisable to slow down your volume and speak softly so that even the other language speaker catches few of words and might understand what you are trying to say.

Getting the booking done through a tour operator or hiring any local person To avoid the stress of language barrier, it is better to hire someone who knows the local language and make you feel at ease. This will cost you some amount but will eliminate your stress.

Research or google There are lot of blogs and travel forums like to know other peoples experience about language barrier for a particular place. Other people who probably have visited the same destination you are visiting might have shared the tips they followed.


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