
What is Jet lag? Definition, Reasons, Symptoms and treatment of Jet lag

By admin.ngtraveller | Jan 07, 2021

What is Jet lag?

Jet lag is the time lag between our internal body clock and where we live now.

Why do we get jet lag?

Jet lag is primarily a biological temporal problem. The same problems arise not only when we fly long distances, but also when we do shifts. Both require your body to make changes to how your body clock perceives time.
In her book Chasing the Sun, science journalist Lisa Geddes notes that daily sun cycles are important for many different species, from insects (honeybees can be delayed too!) To plants, algae, and more. A 2019 study conducted at Yale University looked at plants and their night cycle.
As for us as human beings, much of our biology differs between day and night in a natural rhythm. My sale is drowning in rhythms other than those rhythms through working in shifts, traveling long distances, or insomnia, and the effects on the body are multiple, a "delay" in what the body expects and what happens To him moment by moment.
Jet lag, also known as time zone change syndrome or asynchronous flight, occurs when people travel rapidly across time zones or when their sleep is disrupted, for example, by shift work.
It is a physiological condition caused by a disturbance in the body's circadian rhythms, also known as the body clock. It is seen as a circadian rhythm disturbance.

The Reasons

To understand jet lag, we need to know circadian rhythms.

What are the daily rhythms?
Circadian rhythms, or the body clock, are 24-hour cycles in the biochemical, biochemical, physiological, and political processes that regulate daily activities, such as sleeping, walking, eating, and regulating body temperature.

Body and brain
Jet lag appears to involve turbulence in two separate but connected groups of neurons. These neurons are part of a structure called the supraquiasmático nucleus (SCN). The SCN is located just below the hypothalamus at the base of the brain.
One of these groups of neurons is associated with deep sleep and the effects of physical fatigue. The other group controls REM sleep.
The group of neurons involved in REM sleep finds it difficult to adapt to the new cycle with the new cycle of the fascicle.

What makes the body clock out of sync?

The body clock is driven by an internal time-keeping system, but it is affected by external environmental factors, such as the cycle of night and day.
When the body clock goes out of sync and needs to be reset, jet lag results.
Traveling through different time zones and going through the cycles of daylight and darkness that differ from the rhythms that Bana Alzani announced. Other reasons include shifting work and some sleep disturbances.
Jet lag affects your sleeping, walking, eating, and working patterns.
Hormone regulation is key to synchronizing the body clock. When jet lag occurs, hormone levels become out of sync with the environment. Body temperature also varies according to the body clock.
Jet lag will persist until all of these factors can respond properly to the new environment.

Why is it difficult to travel from West to East?

When traveling east, the symptoms feel more severe, as our bodies have less time to recover. Traveling west adds hours to our days while traveling east reduces them. This means that our bodies have less time to adapt and synchronize with a circadian rhythm when flying east.
Traveling from north to south or south to north can cause additional problems, as the seasons differ.
However, for jet lag to occur, there must be east-west or west-east traffic. Flying straight south from Chicago to Santiago in Chile may cause discomfort, but Santiago in Chile will feel uncomfortable, but it is now the limit.
In addition, jet lag does not usually occur after crossing one or two times the time zone. The more time zones a person crosses, the worse symptoms may be.

Altitude sickness, oxygen, and dehydration

There may be an association between environmental oxygen levels and jet lag.
The pressure in the aircraft cabin is lower than the pressure at sea level. This means that the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain may decrease when people fly.
This can lead to lethargy and an increased risk of jet lag symptoms. Researchers have suggested that oxygen modulation therapy can be used to reduce the effects of jet lag.
Researchers have found that people who travel on commercial flights experience changes in air pressure that the air could lock up. This can lead to discomfort after 3 to 9 hours and symptoms similar to those of altitude sickness.


They include:


There is currently no cure for jet lag, but some lifestyle modifications can help reduce symptoms.
Other tips include:

• Choose flights that arrive early in the evening local time so that you can sleep around 10.00 pm.
Prepare for a long journey eastward, by waking up and sleeping early for several days before that, and for the journey westward, get up and go to bed later.
• Change your watch to the destination time zone as soon as you board the plane.
• Stay active during the journey by doing exercises, stretching, and walking along the trail.
• Use an eye mask and earplugs as a goal for strategic naps. Try to sleep when it is night time at your destination, and sleep for 20 minutes at a time at other times, to reduce sleepiness.
• Drink plenty of water during the flight and avoid alcohol and caffeine to reduce dehydration.

Upon arrival:
The faster a person adapts to the local schedule, the faster the body clock adapts to the new environment.
People who travel regularly for work should ensure they get regular exercise.

Light modulation and melatonin

One study indicated that wearing sunglasses during part of a long flight may help the body adapt to a new time zone by changing light patterns.
Researchers studying the role of melatonin and other hormones in body clock function have suggested that one day, drug treatments may be available for people who are struggling with shift work or jet lag.
Some people are already taking melatonin as a dietary supplement to help jet lag, but there isn't enough evidence yet to confirm its effectiveness.
People who know they are vulnerable to extreme exhaustion from long-haul flights may consider cutting off a long road trip or traveling by land, if possible.

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